Out of the box on CentOS 7 the default file editor is Vi, not Nano. And for any humans around, using Vi is beyond the reach of the mere mortals. Hey, if you can use Vi, then great, you can be on your merry way. But for the average user (like me!) then Nano is by far the easier option when it comes to working with editing files on Linux and CentOS 7.
Thankfully CentOS 7 also comes with Yum installed out of the box which is quite handy. Although if you’re playing with a complete fresh install, make sure your CentOS 7 box can connect to the internet as Ethernet is disabled out of the box too. I mean, who needs to access the internet, right…? So, assuming your all good to go based on the above, simply run the following command to get Nano installed on your system;
yum install nano
And that’s it, your download will start and you’ll be good to use Nano in no time at all.