Cyber Security
Your Strategic Digital Partner
We keep your digital assets secure from cyber attacks with proactive and preventative measures across your technology stack. Dealing reactively with cyber security breaches can be extremely costly, when prevention is far better than the cure. We work closely with your company to understand the current security measures you have in place for your digital assets before creating plans for improvements along with implementing the technical security measures and conducting relevant cyber security audits. Working across the core cyber security areas including web server security, website security on WordPress, Magento and custom build software, penetration testing on web servers, websites and mobie applications along with email security which is all designed to keep your business as safe as possible from cyber attacks.
The average cost to an SME company dealing with a cyber attack is over £17,000 and the average cost to a large company being at a whopping £1,460,000 to deal with the fallout from a cyber attack. We deal with a lot of cyber security issues from businesses who have often either failed to protect themselves or have assumed that someone else was taking care of their security. Quite simply, you cannot put your head in the stand and avoid dealing with the real threat from cyber criminals.
To keep your software systems, data and your customer’s data secure we ensure you have adequate cyber security technology and processes in place to deter cyber criminals, to detect when breaches occur and how the beach happenes along with processes for dealing with issues when they do happen. No company is 100% safe from cyber security attacks, yet we can do a lot to protect against the majority of common cyber security attacks that we see.
Cyber Security
Web Server
We secure your web servers against common cyber security attacks using the latest methods and techniques to thwart the efforts of cyber criminals.
We secure your WordPress and Magento websites against common cyber security attacks using the latest methods and techniques to protect you.
We use ethical hacking techniques with the aim of penetrating your web server and websites before cyber criminals do which helps to keep you safe.
We secure your email systems to ensure sensitive business data is kept safe and secure at all times, common spam & phishing emails are blocked at source.
Results Achieved
Secured Cloud Infrastructure
Your software systems in the cloud are often the target for cyber attacks with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on your web servers, Brute Force attacks on the web server control panel software and software level exploits on WordPress, Magento and other website technologies.
To keep your digital assets secure in the cloud we proactively improve security throughout your technology stack to deter & detect attacks.
Automated Technologies
To keep your digital systems secure we proactively monitor your digital infrastructure including the web server architecture, web server software and website software using the latest in automated technologies which automatically deal with threats and provide real time attack reports.
We also plan for the worst which is why we have secure daily rolling backups across the entire technology stack to keep your data safe.
Encryption by Default
To keep your customer’s data safe, we use the latest in encryption technology which enables us to secure the connection between your customer’s devices and your web server to protect against man in the middle cyber security attacks.
All our high quality software is developed using industry leading security throughout the technology stack to minimise the risk of cyber attacks and data breaches.
Trusted By
Companies our staff have worked with throughout their careers on cyber security projects