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Web Server Security

To keep your website safe from cyber attacks including Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and Brute Force attacks, our managed web server security service allows you to focus on your business rather than worrying about cyber security attacks. Your web server is naturally limited by resources which means that when a cyber attack happens, this could bring down your entire website. We manage security technology on web servers to ensure you are protected against the most common cyber attacks. Poorly configured web servers that do not have adequate security in place are a common attack vector for cyber criminals which is why it is essential to work with a cyber security partner who understands how to protect your web server from common attacks. 

Web Server Security Strategies

Cloud Based Firewall

To protect your web server from attack we implement cloud based firewalls which are highly efficient at protecting against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks using sophisticated algorithms. 

This is when hundreds of thousands of requests attack your web server from around the planet which can bring take your website offline. 

Phsyical Firewall

To protect your web server from attacks from the different open ports we have sophisticated software that automatically analyses traffic and blocks suspicious traffic at the web server level to protect against brute force attacks. 

Ports on your web server are like windows in your house, you have multiple windows which could be attacked which need securing. 

Server Level Security Software

To protect your web server control software from attacks we use sophisticated security software to protect against a multitude of attacks. With automated reporting and protection technologies we keep you safe. 

Server level software controls what you can and cannot do. Think about this like software installed on your personal computer.